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Languages: Romanian and English
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Hide and Seek

An infinite number of children may take part in this game. The children place themselves in a circle. One child starts counting them placing his forefinger on the children's chest. In his counting he also uses some formulas. The last child counted will leave the circle. The other ones supposed to hide. The child who has lost will cover his/her eyes and starts counting again. From the time to time he keeps asking "are you ready?" When he gets no answer any more he known that he can start looking for the other children.
The hidden children try to get to the place where their friend had been standing first.
After all the children have been discovered, another child takes over and the play goes on.

De-a ascunselea

Este un joc frumos la care pot participa mai multi copii, care spun urmãtoarea zicãtoare:
"Într-o cãlimarã/ Plinã cu cernealã/ Ce culoare va avea/ Rochia de pe dumneata?"
Un copil spune o culoare, iar dupã aceea urmeazã încã o zicãtoare:
"Ai tu pe tine asa ceva,/ Aratã-mi si mie dacã poti."
Copilul care nu poate sã arate culoarea, îsi acoperã ochii cu mâinile si numarã pânã la zece. În acest timp ceilalti copii se ascund. Dupã ce terminã de numãrat porneste în cãutarea copiilor. Primul copil gãsit va fi cel care va continua jocul.


It is a very nice game and many children can take part in it. These children say the following lines: "In an inkpot / full of ink / what colour will your dress have". In Romanian these are rhymed. "Do you have something like that on you / tell me, too".
The child who cannot show the colour covers his/her eyes and counts to ten. In the meantime the other children hide. After the child has counted to ten he/she starts looking for the other children. The first child discovered will be the one to follow the counting he/she will cover her/his eyes, counts to ten...

Tamara Tãnase & Octavian Dincã
Teacher: Marinela Dincã
"Stirbei Voda" Highschool, Cãlãrasi, Romania

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